+27 12 816 5204
47 Meadow Avenue, Equestria Pretoria, 0184
Monday to Friday (8:00 AM - 5:00 PM)

CSI Initiatives

Corporate social investments (CSI)

Our CSI initiatives are aimed at achieving and sustaining positive social development of the communities we operate in. Through various community interventions, our effective community re-investment will further reinforce our values and achieve our business objectives. Formal Grand Resources Corporate Social Investment expenditure is funded by an annual allocation of not less than two percent of the previous year’s after-tax income from its South African operations.

As a conscious, inspiring company, we believe in a people-centered, development-oriented and inclusive digital society. We direct our CSI funds, influence, resources and employees towards initiatives that will achieve positive, ongoing economic development in South Africa.

For more information please visit our foundation by clicking on the hyperlink MaHlambelo Foundation